Monday, March 23, 2009

Tehachapi Travel

This morning we all packed up to leave the Kern County Fairgrounds and return home (or in our case, to move our home to the Victorville area). We traveled across California Highway 58 through the Tehachapi Mountains and into the Mojave Desert. The scenery was varied and beautiful, from snow covered peaks and green slopes to Joshua Trees and sand.

When we set up camp, we experienced the dreaded sewer leakage--evidently the shutoff valve on our black tank is stuck open, so that's another warranty issue to take up with Excel. Hopefully it will be relatively easy to fix, but it was certainly a mess to clean up. High winds have been buffeting Venture, but we hope the weather will turn calmer and warmer.

Tomorrow I will fly from Ontario Airport to DFW to visit my son Edward and his family and my granddaughter Kelley who is a junior at North Texas in Denton. I haven't seen Cate and Sam since last October, so I'm sure they've grown a lot.

Ken set up the VuQube, and so far is happy with the ease of setup and the performance. We're concerned about security--it would be so easy for someone to walk off with it (even though it would do them no good without the unique remote control).