Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Today we filed our final California income tax return as part year residents for 2008. The best part is that we're getting a refund. I also filed my mom's trust final federal return showing the sale of her condo last year. After talking with three different IRS tax law representatives, I am thoroughly confused, but trust that this filing will really be final. It shows no taxes due, since the condo lost value after Mom's death.

It's been overcast most of the day and sprinkled on an off, but we got in a bike ride this afternoon. We just explored the campground and the park. Even on a weekday afternoon, there were people fishing along the banks of the little lake. It's stocked with rainbow trout every week now. We also saw horses calmly standing around the equestrian center, apparently not confined.

One man chose a peculiar place to fish.

This evening we watched the movie Patton again, inspired by our visit to the Patton museum.

For lunch I made some delicious soup, using some veggie broth I had frozen earlier, tomatoes, garbanzos, green beans, a bit of adobo chili and sauce, and some leftover veggie chili and some spaghetti noodles. It came out flavorful and filling, and we had fresh pineapple with yogurt and fresh lemonade.