Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Saltel Shakers

This morning we were back to square dancing after a week off to rest Ken's back. The caller, Joe Saltel, apologized that his printer wasn't working, so we were not dancing to computer cards--meaning we weren't assigned squares, but instead had a chance to dance with all our friends. This was especially nice since we have only a week more to dance with all the great folks we've met in the Valley this winter.

After the dance we took Ken's bike back to the bike shop for the third time to try to get the headlight fixed. It hasn't worked right since shortly after Ken got the bike, and we're hoping that this time Electra might agree to replace it, but we're not holding our breath.

This afternoon, with Mary Ann's reminder, I finally made it to the produce sale at the clubhouse. It happens every Tuesday, but this is the first time I've actually taken advantage of the opportunity to buy beautiful produce at very reasonable prices. Giant oranges were four for $1, and red and orange peppers two for $1.

For breakfast we had grapefruit, bacon, and sweet potatoe pancakes with apple/cranberry sauce. For lunch we had an eclectic selection of leftovers: stuffing, sweet potatoes, penne pasta, bean salad, bananas. For supper, chicken soup made from the beer can chicken with additional chicken breast bits, cornbread with honey, and salad.