Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Today I (Lee) have had a chance to reflect on the goodness of friends. Mary Ann bought a humongous cauliflower from the produce guy and sent some home with me. I found a recipe for roasted cauliflower with lemon, garlic, and parmesan that Ken actually pronounced edible--even tasty!

Here's another story of friendship: When we got home from dancing and stopping at the grocery store earlier, I wasn't able to find my keys. I searched the truck and the house to no avail. Suddenly I realized that they were in the pocket of my jacket, and that the last time I had seen it had been on the back of a chair at Tropic Star, where we danced. I remembered that as we were preparing to leave the hall, Ken had handed me my purse and book, so I concluded that the jacket was still at the hall.

What to do? I called Tropic Star but the person who answered the phone was not very helpful. Pharr is a half hour drive for us, but I remembered that our friends, Hardy and Judy, stay in Pharr to dance C-1 in the afternoon at a park across the street from Tropic Star. I called their cell phone and left a message, and then I called the caller's cell phone and left a message. Success! Hardy called me back and said that he and Judy would stop by the hall to pick up the jacket.

But later he called to report that the jacket was nowhere to be found at the hall and that if it was in the lost and found, it could only be retrieved between 9 and 12. When I had called back to the Tropic Star office earlier, the receptionist had abruptly said that no jacket had been found and hung up on me. I began to think that I might have jumped to conclusions earlier and went to search the truck again. This time I spotted the jacket hidden under a case on the back seat floor. Now I had to call Hardy back and admit my embarrassment. He laughed, but forgave me. Now that's what I call a friend!

Along with the roasted cauliflower, we had shrimp and sausage jambalaya made with leftover rice and turkey sausage, along with our usual veggie salad. I made a lemon-garlic dressing that turned out pretty good. For lunch we had rice/chili/cheese burritos and baby carrots.