Monday, September 18, 2017

Rocky Valley and West Quarry Trail

We did this hike in 2011 and decided to revisit it this year. The reward at the end of the East Quarry Trail is a very nice scenic overlook with a vista of both the Maumelle and Arkansas Rivers.

Along the way we spotted some wildlife, including this box turtle, looking a bit grumpy at being disturbed.

We also heard and saw a largish snake slithering through the brush. Ken spotted a tiny lizard not more than two inches long. We saw birds and butterflies, but none posed for the camera.

One of the overlooks has a view of Pinnacle Mountain. We decided not to hike to the summit again this year as we did in 2011. We are (grudgingly) aware of getting older, and Ken's back is giving him trouble again. So we contented ourselves with the view.

We ended up back at the Visitor Center and ate our picnic lunch on a balcony overlooking the rivers. Altogether the hike was nearly three miles. Some of it is easy walking, but some is rocky and even a bit steep in places, so it was enough to be a bit of a workout. We were glad to get home and take showers.