Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Fourth of July Family Reunion

When I was younger, every Fourth of July my mother's family had their annual "homecoming"--a gathering of all the Caton clan, all of Mom's brothers and sisters and their spouses and children would gather around Grandmama and Granddaddy Caton. We all went to North Carolina and renewed our ties with our grandparents and our far flung aunts and uncles and cousins.

This year we had another kind of Fourth of July family reunion, with cousins from three generations gathered at Peggy's home in Mentor. The last time we gathered at Peggy's, my Aunt Helene was there, but she passed away in April this year at the age of 96, the last of my dad's generation. We missed Brian also, who left us too young in December. We missed some others who were with us last time, but we also were very glad to see my cousin Jan and my cousin Mike with his wife Darlene.

Of course there was plenty of delicious food. Thanks to Peggy and all the cooks who contributed!

The old guard.....

The younger generations....