Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Back on the Bikes, and Back in Portland

We moved to Columbia River RV Park today, staying for a week. We really like the proximity to the Columbia River and to the Marine Drive Trail. We got set up this afternoon and headed out on our bikes. The first section of the route is on the bike lane on Marine Drive, which is pretty heavily traveled at 4:30 p.m. on a Tuesday. Fortunately the bike lane is wide enough that we felt comfortable on it.

At 33rd Avenue, this portion of the trail begins. It runs inland of Marine Drive for a bit, skirting the northern edge of Portland International Airport.

At about a mile, the trail crosses Marine Drive and from that point on runs between the mighty Columbia and the highway. This section of the trail extends to the I-205 bridge, but we didn't go that far today, preferring to head home for dinner.