Saturday, January 9, 2016

Happy Birthday, Friends!

Or is it "Any excuse for a party"?  We picked up John and Sandy for the drive to the International Bridge connecting Nuevo Progreso in Mexico to Progreso Lakes in the U.S. We always park on the U.S. side and walk across the bridge. Visitors generally feel safe in the tourist area near the bridge, but it was a bit unnerving to find armed soldiers at the Mexican end of the bridge.

The group gathered first at Pancho's Bar, as usual, for beverages and conviviality.

Third from the left is Clint Godden, celebrating his 80th birthday next week.

Across from Clint is Jean Hayden, celebrating her 70th birthday today.

A Mexican Toast

Clint and Jean were serenaded with an English Happy Birthday song.

Later we all went to El Rancho Grande for lunch. As usual, they had a long table set up for us.

Judy's sister-in-law Shilah (on the right) is visiting for a few days.

Judy's brother Frank (on the right) is in Mission for the month.

Hardy and Judy stepping out

Jan and Steve