Sunday, December 6, 2015

Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park aka World Birding Center Headquarters

We went to breakfast with our friends this morning at Rosie's. We were missing Steve because he was off fishing at South Padre Island. After breakfast and lots of coffee and chatting, we headed to the state park for our first visit of the year.

We hiked out to the hawk tower to check out the (former) resaca. All that is left to show where once there was a lovely resaca with a dependable population of water birds is a small marshy area. The rest is completely overgrown with vegetation.

We saw plenty of familiar birds. The green jays greeted us on our way into the park with their raucous cries. We also saw doves, a cardinal, a hawk circling overhead, a pair of Great Kiskadees, a chachalaca, and some little brown birds.

It was very peaceful in the park. I'm so glad we've made it back.