Friday, July 3, 2015

More Biking

We took a shorter ride today, only about 16 miles. After biking this trail for over a week, we discovered today that the old train depot in Bellville is a rest stop for cyclists, with restrooms inside, a water fountain, and shaded picnic tables.

We've been seeing an enticing sign offering ice cream across the street here, in a small complex with antiques and a cafe. We were disappointed when we stopped and talked with a young woman in the antiques store to find that the cafe and ice cream were not currently available because of a zoning issue when the new owners took over. Darn! So we biked to the nearby small grocery, Stoodt's, and bought a container of turtle flavored ice cream to take home. Of course by the time we got it home and then packed it in the cooler while we defrosted the freezer, it wasn't very solid when we dug in, but it was cold and creamy and delicious.


Loretta said...

What great descriptions of all those fun activities-especially the cycling.
Surely you and Ken are in wonderful shape. Miss our visits. ��