Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Our Final C-2 Dance of the Season

We danced twice today. This morning, we went to Randy's C-2 workshop, where we had three squares and three couples out. This evening we went to Darryl's C-2 dance (which was a class level dance and still attracts mainly our students). There we had two squares and two couples out. Dancing is winding down for the season as more and more people head out for the summer. We'll dance twice tomorrow also, but both of those dances will be C-1.

We're all talking about our summer plans and saying goodbye to friends we won't see again until we return in the fall. It's a mixture of some sadness at parting and some excitement about adventures we're looking forward to this summer.

We decided to join Costco today. They carry the La Brea Whole Grain bread that we really like....