Sunday, November 10, 2013

Breakfast and Butterflies

This morning we went to breakfast at Mi Challitas with our friends for the first time this season. Hardy and Judy were there, of course, and Bob Boink. Pat has been coming to the Sunday breakfasts, Bob said, but she had chemo on Thursday. She has one more treatment in this chemo series, but then she has other treatments for a year. Hopefully they will not have as many side effects.

After breakfast we drove to Bentsen Palm Village, partly to look around at our old digs and partly to park and walk over to Retama. We stopped by to say hi to Stuart and Lynn and then to Bob and Judy, before going on over to the state park. It's early in the season, but Bentsen Palm Village looks emptier to us than it has ever been.

Butterflies abound wherever you look. The lot Bob and Judy are on has a Betony Mistflower bush out front, so of course they have lots of queens and monarchs to watch. As we walked into the state park and headed to the store to get our wristbands, we saw many butterflies fluttering about, attracted by all the butterfly nectar and host plants. Ken spotted this female Large Orange Sulphur (probably?) sipping nectar from a nearby bloom.

We walked into the park, but didn't get as far as we planned. It was cooler when we dressed for breakfast, and my jeans and long sleeve knit shirt turned out to be just too warm for comfortable walking once the weather warmed up.

Back at home we worked on hanging our new palm tree framed art I found at the yard sale Friday. We used Command picture hanging strips. I did some laundry and straightened up the Texas room. We gathered the fallen fruit to put in the trash and cut a few of the lemon tree limbs that were hanging down and touching the ground. We salvaged some lemons that we hope will be useful for lemonade and put the cut branches out by the road to be picked up.

Lemon tree
Orange tree

Grapefruit are still mostly green

Meanwhile, our neighbors Chuck and Carol arrived next door and were out organizing and getting settled. Ken chatted with our neighbors behind, Glynn and Bonnie. More people are arriving all the time.

Maddie called this evening to invite us to join the New Horizons couples for dinner Wednesday evening. Maddie and Jerry are in our park, and Stuart and Lynn and Bob and Judy are at Retama. Bob and Judy will be leaving on Thursday, so it's a send-off party for them.