Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Town Band Concert: From Sea to Shining Sea

We went to Randy's C-1 workshop/dance at Pharr South today. We had nine couples, so two squares plus one out couple. We danced with Jim and Barb for the first time this year. Barb has had a bad summer with back pain and was limping a bit. We hope she finds some relief soon.

We are hoping to be part of a C-2 class (if enough couples sign up). Randy had originally scheduled that class at a time that conflicted with another C-1 dance, but now it's been changed to Thursdays, which will work much better for us.

This evening we went to a Town Band concert with Hardy and Judy. We saw other friends there, including Pete and Judy, but we missed Steve and Jan--especially since Steve is one of the only Coast Guard veterans (and there were none at the concert tonight).

The concert was titled "From Sea to Shining Sea." Clearly the theme was chosen to honor Veterans' Day, and there were some rousing marches by Jewell and Sousa, and their traditional Armed Forces Salute, but they also had some more unusual selections. One piece was "Earheart, Sounds of Courage" by Robert Smith--a tribute to an amazing American who not only "blazed a path in the sky" but also championed women's rights. Another was "An American Elegy" by Frank Ticheli. It is a tribute to those who lost their lives at Columbine and to the indomitable human spirit.

Band director Mr. David Isadore and Mr. Ray Norton, the "Voice of the Town Band."

Another unusual selection was sung by the Nikki Rowe High School Treble Choir, a large girls ensemble. The song, "Voices of America" refers to peace and harmony and freedom.

We wanted to arrive early enough to get a parking place and good seats. Judy suggested leaving at 5:45 p.m. We were all thinking that the concert was at 7:00 p.m. Wrong: it was at 7:30 p.m. We did get great seats and had plenty of time to chat before the concert. Afterwards we went to our place for more conversation.