Thursday, May 12, 2011

We Get Our Truck Back!

Spent the night last night with Julie and the kids. Got up early to go get Ed at the airport, but then he called to say that he was taking a bump and would be arriving later in the day sometime.

We went to Costco with Julie and actually got out for less than $100. Then we ate a quick lunch before going to pick up the truck at Classic Chevrolet. To add to the comedy of errors, when we got there, it turned out that the valve stems for the inside duallys were inaccessible. We waited quite a while for the mechanic to re-mount the tires. Ken didn't think to check when he got in the truck. When we got back to the lake, it turned out that now both valve stems were in the same hand hole. He drove the truck to Discount Tire and waited his turn. They remounted the tires for free. Meanwhile, I was at home packing up for our trip tomorrow. We got everything ready to go and then drove back over to Ed and Julie's.

Julie went to pick Ed up and take him to get his hair cut before returning home. I played games with the kids (Clue, Jr. and Handy Manny), which Cate won handily.

Duane called to say that he had gotten valve stem extensions for us and they would be on his keyboard. Ed stopped by to pick them up. When Ken looked at them, it turned out that they are all straight and pretty much useless.

It was 7:30 p.m. by the time Ed and Julie got home, and we headed out for dinner at Chili's. We had a southwestern chicken dish that was very good (except for being quite salty) and some side salads. Jesse figures he is one of the kids now. He has the dipping the fries in catsup thing down--including the part about smearing the catsup all over his face.

Yea! Somebody's taking my picture.

By the time we got home, it was definitely bedtime. I read two stories to the kids. Cate had wanted us to act out Little Red Riding Hood, but it was too late, so we said next time. She asked when we would be back, and when I said November, she said, "When you walk in the door, we'll act out Little Red Riding Hood." It's nice to be eagerly awaited.