Friday, October 30, 2009


The rain seems to have let up, fortunately. We went shopping and got some orange tee-shirts with black alien faces to wear for Halloween, since the campground where we are staying has a Halloween party planned. I also got some canvas to use for a project: making shoe pockets to put along the side of the bed.

That's our Qube with the lake in the background

We played Upwords again, and this time I won both games, so we are now even.

Today has been pretty rough for me. I gathered all of Sweetie's things and cleaned them up and did a load of laundry. So now there's an empty space where Sweetie used to be, in the trailer and in my heart.

I took the opportunity of a letup in the rain to clean the bug remains from the endcap. I wish someone would invent an efficient, nontoxic bug dissolver. This job always involves lots of scrubbing.