Today was my Aunt Helene's 89th birthday. She is my dad's older sister, and the one remaining of my dad's three siblings. For a proud 89-year-old, she is doing very well, though she does have some trouble hearing. She still ushers for her parish's Saturday evening mass and lives on her own.
She and Peggy came over for dinner tonight at Kathy's to celebrate and visit. Last night Kathy set the table and prepared a meatloaf, which I put in the oven this afternoon along with some baking potatoes, since she was working today as a Clinique freelancer at Macy's gift event.
Peggy and Helene drove over in the rain from Mentor and were delayed a bit by traffic. They arrived just before Kathy got home. We relaxed for a few minutes before dinner around a cheery fireplace.
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Peggy brought a nice salad with cheese, and for dessert, we had Aunt Helene's signature Goop recipe with blueberry topping. We sang Happy Birthday and she blew out the candle (we didn't want a conflagration of 89 candles) before we all dug in. Everyone said it was great.
Helene will be moving soon to a condo nearer to Peggy and to the church, which will be more convenient for everyone.
During the afternoon, while Kathy was at work, besides the dinner prep, we also took showers and washed clothes and the dog. It was really nice to have the opportunity to get everything and everyone clean.
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