Sunday, July 2, 2017

Todd and Stephanie's Annual Cookout and Fireworks!

Chris and Anara are staying at Kathy's house. We came in from our campground, and Terri came from her hotel. We started the day with a lovely brunch, featuring quiche and delicious homemade coffee cake and melon.

Later in the day we all went to Elyria to Stephanie and Todd's house for the great annual cookout and fireworks. Jeff was there too, along with Todd's parents and several friends.

We got a tour of the house, including Aria's new custom designed loft bed. It features a cat shelf over the bed. Aria's ambition is to grow up to be a crazy cat lady, but right now all her cats are of the stuffed variety.

Todd and Stephanie have an amazing back yard: it just keeps going back, so plenty of room for kids to play and folks to visit. Later the fireworks were set off in the far rear area.

Todd was in charge of the fire, where he grilled an assortment of good food.

Of course everyone brought dishes to share. There was plenty of deliciousness to go around and some good beer and other drinks. A great time was had by all. Special kudos to the macaroni and cheese created by one of the friends. I think I had thirds!

Have I mentioned that Aria calls Ken "that boy who likes to play with his phone"?

Some sparklers and flash bangs appeared early on, but the main event was an awesome fireworks display held after dark. When we left, Todd and Stephanie and Warren were still going strong setting off more displays.

Scout was wrapped up in a comforter in the bathtub, since loud noises are not her thing. It was a bit disconcerting to hear panting and see eyes looking out from the tub when using the facilities!