Thursday, May 25, 2017

A Place Called Hope

We left Texarkana this morning headed to Hot Springs, AR. Along the way we stopped at Hope, AR, the birthplace of William Jefferson Blythe Clinton. The National Park Service maintains the house he lived in when he was born as a National  Historic Site.

A friendly ranger led a tour of the home, which has been renovated by a local foundation. It is decorated and furnished in authentic period style, but only a couple of the artifacts are original. The home belonged to Clinton's mother's parents. His father had died in an auto accident three months before he was born.

The kitchen features a period range similar to the one I had in my first apartment in 1964.

Bill's bedroom includes a Hopalong Cassidy bedspread similar to one Ken had as a child.

We are spending the holiday weekend at Treasure Isle RV Park in Hot Springs. It's located on the Ouchita River about eight miles west of Hot Springs.