Monday, April 3, 2017

Dinner at "the Little House"

"The little house" is what Judy calls their old home in Green Gate Grove. It's been for sale since they purchased a home in Southern Oasis in Mission last summer. Finally Judy's son Kelly and his wife Shonas have decided to purchase it. Hardy and Judy are delighted that they will be seeing more of their family--and that they will no longer own two homes.

Shonas flew in from the land of snow and ice and subzero temperatures to make the purchase. Tonight she had her first dinner party, featuring authentic Scottish cuisine as well as an authentically Scottish hostess!

As usual we had a great time, with good friends and good food. The centerpiece of the meal was shepherd's pie--but with the mashed potatoes served on the side--and a mash of turnips and carrots.

A special treat was that Steve was able to make it, his first outing since he came home from a month (a solid month!) in the hospital. We are so glad to have him home.

Bob, Steve, and Hardy relax

Judy, Shonas, Lee, Jan, and Pat in the kitchen

Dinner is served!