Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Chilly Day

As you can see, we are not used to cold weather, so we've bundled up for our walks. This morning we walked to the Catfish Cove camping loop, where we spotted a trailhead.

Of course we decided to take the trail to see where it went. We did get a couple of views of the lake.

The Open Road in the site next to us belongs to a work-camping couple, the Wheelers. We found their DirecTV dish in a strange juxtaposition with their wagon wheel and cattle skull and horseshoe name sign. The Old West meets the 21st century!

We finally completed our comparison of the Medicare Plan D plans available to us and made a selection to go with Cigna-HealthSpring Rx Secure-Xtra. Signing up for the plan took a long phone call each and lots of legalese, but it's done, at least for this year. Yay!