Thursday, April 10, 2014

Visiting and Lots of Photos

We're in site #20 at RVParks R Us. As you can see from the photos, we have plenty of space around us.

We also have some inquisitive neighbors. They live on the land behind the RV park, which also features an oil well. At night we sometimes hear them being a bit vocal, but they are quiet in the daytime.

We went over to Carol's later this afternoon, since Thursday is one of her longer work days. Christine comes over after school, because the middle school she attends is just a couple of blocks away, on the west side of Golden. She took her earphones out to smile for this photo.

Here's Carol's famous puzzle table. She's currently working on a patchwork of various "Texas" signs.

I went with Carol when she dropped Christine off at home. Robbie was excited to show me his carnivorous plant collection. The one he is holding is a pitcher plant.

We went out in the back yard to watch the kids play on their new (to them) trampoline. It's a hand me down from a neighbor who moved away and didn't care to move the trampoline.

The kids were having a blast, especially when Christine joined the boys. Sam was squealing with delight when Christine bounced him.

This evening Ken and I cooked dinner for Dick and Carol and Ken and me. I made Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Warm Cider Vinaigrette and Roasted Butternut Squash Penne with Autumn Pesto, with spinach salad, bread, and strawberries over angel food cake. Carol made another loaf of pumpkin pear bread. It was all yummy. We saved some for Dick, who was out at a poetry meeting in Whitehouse.