Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Leak Found!

Our Majestic was moved back into the rain booth this morning, after Tony had glued the top corners of the slide wipers on the gallen and bed slides. This time, the galley and bed slides were opened up in the rain booth. Ken U. held a hose and directed a strong stream of water at the rig, and a water leak appeared in just the place where we found our flood after the all night heavy rain storms: in front of the fridge and stove. Ken and Tony identified a problem with the slide wipers, a very small area where water could enter at the rear of the galley slide.

Tony fixed the problem areas of the slide wipers. Now we are hopeful that our major leaks have been found and repaired. We're still uncertain about the smaller leak we've had from the a/c vents in the galley roof. We'll talk with Ken about this in the morning, and we have one other minor repair on our list. We're hoping we'll be able to leave and head south tomorrow.

When we came back from grocery shopping, we heard that Paul and Kathy were back with some major problems. They apparently got only to Topeka before discovering brake problems, fridge malfunction, and very noisy a/c. We haven't talked with them, but we're sure they are very unhappy about having to return to the factory. We hope they'll get everything fixed and be able to leave again soon.