Friday, June 3, 2011

Heat and Humidity

Our air conditioner is working overtime today, and for part of the day it seemed to be losing the battle. We thought about going grocery shopping just so we could hang around the freezer cases.

The fridge seemed to be struggling too, so I decided to defrost the freezer--the whole routine with taking all the food out and putting pans of hot water in to melt the accumulated ice, etc. I'm hoping that will help.

We took our longer walk this evening when the sun was an orange ball hanging low in the sky. By then it wasn't quite so hot. We walked through a tenting area, by the second of the two boat ramps. It had a playground and lots of kids and lots of boats. It's Friday, and the weekend crowd is arriving.

Tonight I made a pasta dish with leeks and portabella mushrooms, mainly to get the leeks out of the freezer. It turned out pretty good, but we didn't love it as much as we love mushroom stroganoff.

Tomorrow we'll be moving again, up to the Joplin area. We'll be on I-44 and Bus. 71 south, so we don't think we'll see the tornado damage.