Saturday, March 12, 2011

Another Quiet Saturday

We had a quiet day today. On our walk this morning, we stopped to talk with Mary Sue, and she gave us the grand tour of their New Horizons fifth wheel. It has many features that we like, including two desks, parquet flooring, and a Moen kitchen faucet. They were lucky enough to find it used with all the features they wanted. We've been very interested in New Horizons and toured their factory in Kansas. They will build a custom fifth wheel to your design, or they have some standard floor plans.

Bruce stopped by later to suggest that we ride with them Tuesday to the potluck lunch. We're looking forward to that. We enjoy getting together with fellow Escapees, and especially fulltimers, who share our lifestyle.

Tonight is "Spring Forward," the beginning of daylight savings time, which means we lose an hour's sleep. When I set my Droid alarm for 7 a.m. at 11:00 p.m., the Droid informed me that the alarm was set for 7 hours from now. Too smart altogether--it anticipated the time change.