Sunday, December 27, 2009

Quiet Sunday

The big activity of the day was doing the laundry--so you know we had a quiet day. We thought about cleaning the truck, which, alas, got filthy again yesterday going through the road construction, but we didn't actually get around to doing it.

We had some brief excitement when we discovered that the wet spot in front of the sink in the bedroom was not just a little spill. We had noticed it last night but expected it to dry up. When it was still there this morning, we investigated further and found that the new container of detergent stored under the sink had a slow leak, and the carpet under the sink was saturated with detergent. It had seeped out and was causing the spot we had noticed. Well, at least it wasn't a plumbing leak . . . . I scrubbed and rinsed, but I'm sure there's still more detergent in the carpet. The carpet cleaner, Jack, had just reminded us that soap is a dirt magnet and that we should never use detergent to clean the carpet, so I'm guessing the area will need further rinsing and cleaning.

I soaked some pinto beans last night, and today I cooked them with some onion and garlic and spices. We had some with ham and cornbread and zucchini and corn for dinner. We finished off the lime tofu pudding for dessert.

We went over some photos from May 2009--a good reminder of our exploration of the California and Oregon coast.

We played a couple of rounds of Rummikub tonight. The tiles fell my way.