Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bike Ride

We got out on our bikes today, just around Rainbow's End. We like looking at what various people have done with their property. We stopped at one home that is for sale and almost bought it (just kidding, but we really liked what we saw!). It had 3 hookups, so all our friends could come visit.

We also dropped off our applications to be Escapees CARE volunteers next October. We'll spend the month here helping with things like driving people to doctor's appointments, running errands, helping with meal prep and cleanup, etc. We think the work CARE is doing is really important--and we might need it someday!

We stopped by the club library and picked up a DVD of Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine. We had not seen this documentary before, and it had quite an impact on us. These are things we usually put out of our minds so we can get on with our lives, but of course the young people who were wounded at Columbine, like the multitudes of other victims of gun violence, can't so easily ignore it.