We decided to sleep in and spend the day visiting Olbrich Gardens and Michelle and Bill and Sophie and Gryphon. The gardens were a treat, just as we recalled. Towards the end of our visit, it was really hot out in the sun, but the breeze under the trees was a delight. We enjoyed the Thai Pavilion. This time a docent had a piece of gilded carving available for people to touch (mainly kids)to show the effect of human touch on the gold leaf on the pavilion.
We saw again the wire strung along the river bank to discourage beaver from eating the birch trees in the garden. The wire is electrified at night, when beaver are active but people are not. Signs warned visitors to be aware that redwinged blackbirds were nesting in the gardens and would swoop down low overhead to defend their babies, so it was important to give them their space.
Beavers stay away from birches. | Ken by the Thai Pavilion |
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We decided to skip the butterfly display in the conservatory. On the way to Michelle's we stopped at the Jenifer Street Market and bought some strawberries and ice cream for dessert. I couldn't resist adding some fresh Wisconsin green beans.
It was great to see Bill and Michelle again. Sophie and Gryphon didn't remember us very much (Gryphon more than Sophie, strangely). Gryphon helped Bill pick basil from their garden for the pasta with pesto, and Ken and I shucked the fresh corn on the cob. We had a delicious dinner and a delightful visit. Michelle is practicing with a roller derby league, hoping to be chosen for a team next month. Sophie had new skates and was out in the newly resurfaced street skating after dinner. Gryphon spent his time outdoors reading--and most of his time indoors too. He is an avid reader.
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When we returned to camp for our last night with our friends, I went to the office and bought a bundle of firewood. Everyone came over for one last get together around the campfire, and we made s'mores.
Evans and Johnsons went to Cave of the Mounds, where they had a special tour with just flashlights, and on to the House on the Rocks, where they took the Section One tour. Then they went to Taliesin, but all the tours were sold out, so they had lunch and went to the visitor center. Mike and Judy looked up some of Mike's childhood haunts, even finding the house where his parents were married and the house he grew up in (he thinks). Rowes did the Capitol tour and some shopping.
Tomorrow Johnsons will return to Taliesin. Evans and Rowes will go to the Arboretum. Then most of the group will head south, halfway to Dennis and Linda's. Mike and Judy will take a detour--Mike will golf and they'll go to an Angels game in Chicago before rejoining the group in Illinois. We'll head off on our own over to Lake Superior and up the coast to Door County.
We arrived at Rowes' house on Saturday, June 20, so we've spent 45 days with them. We joined the rest of the group at Calgary West on Monday, June 6, 29 days ago. We've had so many adventures since then that it would be hard to keep track without this blog. It's been a great trip, and we hope to join the gang on some future odysseys.
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