Friday, May 15, 2009

Arrival in Eugene

This morning we packed up and left the Florence Elks Recreation Park, which we had enjoyed for four nights, and moved to Eugene. We stopped first at the Eugene Elks Lodge, but there were no suitable spaces open, so we went on to our second choice, a mobile home and RV park on the Willamette River. The RV spaces are actually near the inevitable railroad tracks and barely large enough for our rig, but we don't expect to be sticking around here very much, since we have lots of plans.

Tonight, to celebrate Ken's birthday, we attended a performance at the Hult Center for the Performing Arts. We actually dressed up--good thing too, since people in Eugene (unlike many in LA) actually dress up to go to the theater.

The show, called Neil Berg's 100 Years of Broadway featured five Broadway singers: Steve Blanchard, Carter Calvert, John Jeffrey Martin, Rita Harvey and Brad Little. All of them have starred in multiple Broadway hits. Brad Little, for example, has starred as the Phantom more than 2100 performances. Rita Harvey sings opera as well as Broadway musicals, and she has an amazing trained soprano voice. One of our favorite pieces was Steve Blanchard singing Don Quixote and Brad Little singing Sancho Panza in a duet from Man of La Mancha.

For dinner we had roast chicken, baked potato, broccoli, and salad, with chocolate brownie, strawberries, and whipped cream for dessert later.