Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ferndale and the Avenue of the Giants

We started this morning with a trip to Ferndale, a Victorian town about 16 miles south of Eureka. The entire town is a California historical landmark. We strolled along the Main Street and visited the Ferndale Cemetery. Next to the cemetery an old church with large stained glass windows has been converted into private residences. Many shops were closed since it's Sunday--and the town may be experiencing the effects of the economic downturn, but we saw enough to be charmed.

One of the many Victorian homes in Ferndale. Lee got a kick out of the Itsy Bitsy Quilt Shop.

Next we headed south to travel the Avenue of the Giants. One of the interpretive panels quotes Steinbeck: "From them comes silence and awe . . ." We walked through the Founders Grove and saw the mighty fallen tree, the Dyersville Giant. Looking up to the dizzying heights the redwoods reach creates a cathedral atmosphere. Ken commented that he could spend a whole day taking photos there.

The Founders Tree-dedicated to those who founded the organization that made this grove possible. Lee measuring a tree in one of the memorial groves along the highway.

We'll see more redwoods as we follow the coastline north, so we headed home without seeing the entire Humboldt Redwoods State Park.

Sweetie seems to be doing a little better. At least she licked the gravy from her canned food, and I got her to swallow a bit of cheese with aspirin inside.