Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Welcome Home McBrides!

The McBrides are really back in the USA after their flight delays in Portugal, all safe and sound. We are so glad to have them back home. Now they just have to find a house and school for Molly and get settled in (but they're old hands at moving, like all Navy families).

After wrestling with the internet dish and cussing Hughes Net for two days, we finally got connected this morning. Third time's a charm (and we figured out that one small but essential step had been left out earlier).

This afternoon we gathered up our laundry for the week and headed for Jan and George's for a visit. Jan slaved over a hot stove making a lovely dinner--pecan encrusted tilapia, steamed asparagus, and mashed potatoes, with frozen Snickers Bar ice cream for desert. Actually, Jan said the hardest part was cleaning and snapping the asparagus, which was steamed in her excellent electric steamer and came out delicious just plain.