Sunday, September 14, 2008

Crossing Indiana

In the morning we rode our bikes on the National Road Heritage Trail. We got on the trail at the Twigg Rest Stop not far from our campsite in Hawthorne Park on the east edge of Terre Haute. We rode in to downtown Terre Haute as close as we could get to the Wabash River. Round trip was about 14 miles.

Later we visited the Eugene V. Debs museum in his former house on 8th Street. Two tour guides added commentary on the house and its contents as they walked us through the house. We were surprised that there was not more information offered up on Debs's life and work.

On Firday, the 12th, we traveled from Springfield, OH, to Terre Haute, IN. Along the way we stopped for a sandwich at the US 40 Diner in Plainfield, Indiana. Lee has seen the diner advertised on line as an historic sight on the National Road (Route US 40). The web site said that the diner had gone out of business. We were surprised to see an "Open" sign on the place as we drove by, so we turned around and went back. We shared a grilled chicken sandwich with cole slaw and French fries, with a real ice cream milk shake for desert.

We stopped for the night at Indy Lakes Campground just south of the loop highway around Indianapolis. This is not much of a place. The central attraction seemed to be an artificial but allegedly well-stocked fishing lake. We got the impression that the business gets most of its income from fishing, with camping available as mainly for the benefit of fisherman who want to fish in the campground's lake.