Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cruise the Gut

We spent some time in downtown Battle Creek today. We were drawn downtown by a Summer Festival of food, art, and music. The festival wasn't much, but being downtown gave us a look at some classic cars that had come to town to cruise the downtown area tonight--Cruise the Gut, as it's called. Cars have to have been built before 1976 in order to take part. This is the eleventh year for Cruise the Gut. The first year drew 300 cars. There were a lot more this year. We gave up on trying to count them.

While downtown we ran by Memorial Park, which has a much-bigger-than-life statue of Sojourner Truth. The statue was put up in 1999 to celebrate her contributions to the city's history.

Earlier today we had a disappointing experience. We had signed up for a canoe cruise around Hart's Lake, part of a conservation area between Battle Creek and Augusta. Only after we got to the lake did we find out that we were expected to bring a canoe with us. We thought this was going to be like similar outings we've had in the past; but on those the sponsors arranged to have canoes available for everyone who signed up. We took a few pictures of the lake and then went home and took out our frustration by waxing more of the trailer.