Ken flew to Eugene ,
OR , to check out a 2006 Excel
30RSO we had seen advertised on the web.
That model had a floor plan we liked: two recliners, TV near the couch
and chairs, and accessible galley with the slideouts in. It had an overall length of 32 feet, which we
thought was a good compromise—still small enough to get in many national parks,
but large enough to live in fulltime. The RV Consumer Group ratings for quality,
value, and roadworthiness were all in the 80s (very good). Only New Horizons rated better overall than
Excels. We had spent many hours
researching the possibilities and eliminated many good models because they were
too heavy, or had too little cargo carrying capacity, or had less desirable
After renting a car at the airport, he drove to Sutton RV to
meet our salesperson, Terry. He found
the floorplan good, the colors not optimal but good enough. He tried to get the price down, but the
dealer held firm at $49, 973 (pretty close to $50,000). He liked the rig but was uncomfortable with
the price, but having flown to Oregon
and rented a car, he wasn’t in a very good bargaining position. The general quality level seemed good,
especially in comparison with many of the RVs we had seen in our search.
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